Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Scotus and Abortion

 So looks like Trumps moronic appointees are going to do away with Roe v Wade, granting the Evangelica yeehaws their fondest dream of doing away with safe and legal abortion.  So lets talk about ways you can still get an abortion.

Google what Abortifacient Herbs are.  Look up Susan Weed. Also make sure if you  do it, you use a burner phone in a wifi area that can't be traced to you.  Because places like Tx and their bounty hunters are redamndiculous scary.  Also dont toss out any pads, if you do it, because garbage is subject to search, so use towels or cotton pads that you can burn or wash with bleach.  Get a warrant is a useful phrase when asked questions by probing law enforcement who can't mind their business.

Pennyroyal Mint is easy to grow, is an abortifacient.  Blue and Black Cohosh will cause cramps.  I know when I was way along in my pregnancy and i wanted to start labor, I took these pills.  Yall you can get it through Amazon. Educate yourself and read read and read, but do the reading and educating safely.  

No idea in states that won't allow this, but you can get Abortion pills.  



Good luck, 

Know in due time this will be overturned.