Sunday, October 20, 2013


So I realized most of what I am writing pertains to values.  I value critical thinking, conflict resolution, freedom, transparency and many other things.  I value maturity, vs being the cool kid on the block.

I also have other values that I find to be more important.  I do look for those values in others, but that is me.

For those who teach, I look to see if they can take being questioned.  If they can't, then they are in it for the ego and won't do well for my Sagittarius self.  Why, being a Holy word:P

I value adaptability in thought.  Life doesn't always throw us the same curve balls.  Just because some ancient who ha did something, doesn't mean we need to, or it can't be adapted to more modern means.

I value transparency.  It helps in weeding out the predators in Paganism.  Issac Bonewits made a scale that I think everyone should take a look at.  It helps to see if you are in a cult.

I value the Greek maxim Know thyself.  It helps in figuring out your strengths and weaknesses. I'll try to get the context behind it, for those who are interested.

A value that I have that is not inline with many of the Pagans, is aggression.  If someone or something were to come after me or those I love, I take the shot gun method.  Many non BTW Wiccans find that abhorrent, as they are more passive, but I'm a pretty aggressive woman.  I take the castle doctrine to magic.

I'm also the type of personality that finds you have to earn respect.  I grant civility, but anything beyond that has to be earned.  That means elders and invisible thingies alike.  But once you get my loyalty you get it, unless something big comes along that you do that takes that away.

Forgiveness, I think should be addressed more in the Pagan community.  We all screw up.  I think we as humans are too quick to judge, and keep that judgement.  We only change it, when bad things happen, and we are forced to empathize.

The victim mentality, and referencing bad history, needs to be axed out.  There are those of us, who have been victimized that need to be given time, but there are those of us in the Pagan community that like the attention that it gives them.

People like Pam Curtis who have had to hold on by their fingernails, who have gone through several doctors to figure out what is wrong with them.  But she's there for others when she can be.  I think that we need to get our heads out of our butts and see what our fellow Pagans are really suffering from.  Lack of ego stroking, and not enough people paying attn to you is not what I consider a valid disorder, depression yes, but not enough attn, no.

I give Kudos to Krasskova for her monthly oracular work that she does for free.  I give Kudos to those who do the monthly oracular work.  I think that Pagans in general should look beyond themselves to what they can give to the community at large.  We need more Prison Chaplains who care, understand and are forgiving. We need more doers.  We as Pagans, no matter what we call ourselves, need to also support the doers and help out.  We as Pagans should work with our Christian brethren and help out the existing charities.

This blog post, is what encouraged my deep thoughts on values.  Unlike John Halstead who wants things to be so inclusive, as to render no meaning to labels, she goes the other way.  I agree with Veggie wolf(, in the one true way, slut shaming and bigotry toward Monotheists.  You can see that latter part in the comment section.

Moreover, I take some amount of annoyance, at the whole concept that Pagan values need to be applied universally.  Pagans are like cats, it's really hard to herd them, even if you use tuna.  That is one of the Pro's and the Con's.  I also take umbrage with Krasskova, coming across as my elder and trying to apply her values universally.  My response that I've been keeping under my hat is Bitch Please, back off.

I think we need to respect other religions area of authority and values and ethics falls under that.  Making ethics that you want to stick on the Kemetics, the Asatru, the Wiccans, is just really annoying and getting a tad to big for your britches.  It's just as annoying as the many Wiccans trying to preach the three fold law and how it applies to EVERYBODY.

While I work with the dead, I don't think that ancestor veneration should be universal.  I can't believe I'm referencing Aine, but this post, brings up some very valid points. .  If you have bad blood with your current relatives, it isn't going to go away when they die.  Bad relationships with parents and relatives, usually goes back many generations, it is a learned trait.  We inherit our crazy baggage after all.

Other issues, many of our ancestors are Christian.  How are they going to feel being venerated in a more Pagan way?  You need to take their feelings into consideration.  Nor would I put ancestor worship on the same level as worshiping our Gods.

I have issues with her Universal values.  Ok honestly, that's my biggest issue.  Nor do I think her claim that taking most of the ancient world and or ancient Polytheists, that these values are universal.

Modesty, is a Christian value.  The non sexual one is all about the meek inheriting the earth part.  Aka dont' brag about yourself.  It has it's place, but I don't see the ancients really being all gung ho about it.  Sexual modesty, again is a Christian one and outside Roman matrons, I don't see it being too applicable and frankly, I wouldn't want to encourage it, it is very much a Patriarchal thing(ie, woman don't make other men think hot thoughts about you)

Personally one of the things I like about the Pagan community is our lack of shame on body stuff.  Hell one of the warmest memories I have is being in a Pagan shop in Everett Washington, and asking if anyone minded if I breast fed my child without covering.  No one cared, and I was able to whip them out, in comfort and feed my child.  Later, I got some star trek thing hennaed on my boob by two gay guys.  It was star trek innuendo for my husband to enjoy(and no I don't remember what it said, only that it was geeky innuendo)

ok Courage was encouraged, mostly in the war theater

Piety, makes me feel weird, because I really don't want to go the way of the Conservative Christian.  I think balance needs to be applied and choices need to be made and respected.  It's way to easy to forget yourself and do stuff all for the Gods.  It may not be mentally and emotionally healthy and I definitely don't want us giving up objectivity and start voting the way our Gods dictate.

Respecting the Diversity of Gods, I can't see being universal.  Plus this is Krasskova being liberal.

Meh, is my thoughts.

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