Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wicca is not a nature religion

You can argue that Wicca is an Agrarian based religion, but it is most certainly not a nature religion.  The wheel of the year is based off of English farming stuff.  It is also a romanticized view of the Manor born.  The Lord and Lady, are the spiritual Lord and Lady of the manor.

You have 3 harvest festivals.  You have the equinoxes and the solstices.  You have the spring planting and fertility festivals.  All these point to an Agrarian root.  The Farmers Almanac would not go amiss, to be used in planning rituals.

The people who argue this is a Nature religion, don't have much experience with nature.  They are city or suburbanites.  I dare say, they don't have much experience with even gardening.  They have this romanticized, idealized view of nature.  Nature that they experience in tended city parks, where most of the big bad predators have already been killed off.

Having rituals under the full moon, naked or no, does not make you closer to nature.  It makes you camping religiously.  The night does not hold terror for you that it does for those who really understand what nature is. The time of plenty(harvest) and lean(winter and early spring) does not hold the same meaning to them as it does to those who live the Agrarian life.(see third world Africa sometime, or other poverty stricken areas).

If Wicca were a nature religion, than the adherents wouldn't pooh pooh people in other countries for being superstitious about things out of their control.  They would understand that a cow loosing it's milk, could spell death, or disease or hardship to someone, not an inconvenience.  They would understand that a bad harvest could wipe out a family.  They would understand the lack of power that these people have, and the uncertainty that they live with.  That btw breeds illogical superstitions, which science and reason combat far more effectively than annoying letter writing campaigns telling people how bad they are.

Nature isn't nice.  It has a strong predator and prey aspect to it.  If Wicca were the nature religion that many purport, than cursing wouldn't be such an issue.  Neither would animal sacrifice.  Dont' be around negative people, would not be such an issue, because passivism would not be encouraged.

So don't mind me, when I snort, when I hear that asinine phrase.  I hug trees too. I garden as well, can't veggie garden worth a damn, but I garden.  But when I was Wiccan I did not worship in a nature religion. Turning to a more Polytheistic roots, it still isn't a nature religion.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wiccan Rede, cursing, and preachy twits

So it has come to my attn, that certain segments of the Wiccan population are upset by cursing.  Apparently, they feel they can go about and beat people over the head and shoulders with the Wiccan Rede.  Apparently, the Wiccan Rede is only Do what thou wilt, an it harm none.

Well let me edgemacate you.  Not it most certainly is not. Here is the long Rede, taken off of wikipedia(apparently google is not a tool that some Wiccans use, nor any type of research).  linky.
History behind it

The Long Rede[edit]

In 1974 a complete twenty-six line poem entitled "The Wiccan Rede" was published in the neo-Pagan magazine Earth Religion News. Each line contained a rhymed couplet laid out as a single line, the last line being the familiar "short rede" couplet beginning "Eight words...".
This poem was shortly followed by another, slightly different, version, entitled the "Rede Of The Wiccae", which was published in Green Egg magazine by Lady Gwen Thompson. She ascribed it to her grandmother Adriana Porter, and claimed that the earlier published text was distorted from "its original form". The poem has since been very widely circulated and has appeared in other versions and layouts, with additional or variant passages. It is commonly known as the "Long Rede".
Thompson's version of the Long Rede is:
Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live an’ let live - Fairly take an’ fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about To keep all evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time - Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye an’ light of touch - Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing Moon - Sing and dance the Wiccan rune.
Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane, An’ the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.
When the Lady’s Moon is new, Kiss thy hand to Her times two.
When the Moon rides at Her peak Then your heart’s desire seek.
Heed the Northwind’s mighty gale - Lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast.
When the West wind blows o’er thee, Departed spirits restless be.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go - Burn them quick an’ burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady’s tree - Burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn - Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned a Yule, Light the Log an’ let Pan rule.
Heed ye flower bush an’ tree - By the Lady Blessèd Be.
Where the rippling waters go Cast a stone an’ truth ye’ll know.
When ye have need, Hearken not to others greed.
With the fool no season spend Or be counted as his friend.
Merry meet an’ merry part - Bright the cheeks an’ warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law ye should - Three times bad an’ three times good.
When misfortune is enow, Wear the Blue Star on thy brow.
True in love ever be Unless thy lover’s false to thee.
Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill - An’ it harm none, Do what ye will.

If you are going to ethically shame people, than you damn well better know the full Rede.  Rede by the way is not law, it translates to advice.  Oh and here is some more history...  The Rede probably came from Crowley.

Oh and btw, Wiccans back in the 70's and 80's, especially the BTW, had no issue with cursing.  I have heard of a story, of a coven, doing a spell, to hurt a man who had raped one of their coven members.  He lost his member in a bar fight, after the spell.  
The person who brought this to light, is arguing that no one should be offended by Wiccans preaching this philosophy.  Because that is how they are.  No, that isn't how they are.  This is the love and light crowd, who can't deal with the real world, and who don't understand what conflict resolution are.  This is the love and light crowd who get offended by Conservative Christians being Conservative Christians, but feel that they have the same right. Mind you, all the Christians I know, are not raging buttwipes, who can't seem to discuss things like rational people.
Biding by the Wiccan Rede does not mean you have to be a doormat.  It does not mean you can't tackle conflict head on.  It does not mean you need to be a twit.  
Oh and when I was Wiccan, I wasn't BTW.  I was an eccletic type, who managed to still know the damn history, better than some BTW's and know the full Rede, know it was advice, and critically think.  Time to get your head out of your arse peeps and shaddup.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Vampire nightmare.

Woke up this morning at 5 a.m to a nightmare, of being in a post apocalyptic world, trying to survive, with Vampires able to walk in the day time.  Mind you the day time was like twilight time, so probably due to not having to worry about U.V radiation.

I had asked my mom in the dream, why can't we have fresh foods.  She told me due to the radiation issues, we subsist on canned food.(licking the plate clean) which is safer but less nutritious.  She looks out the window, and sees a vampire, who sees her.  The glass breaks.  The vampire eats a random passerby.  Grandma has to stay in the house and mom is now gone too.  I run with someone.

Yeah, I have a feeling this is all about intimacy and I can guess what the post apocalyptic world is.  I'm not getting the nutrition of the closeness of family or relationship.  I'm not living, I'm surviving.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So I've been sitting here feeling bad about stuff.  Well I got poked about making a pot roast.  I need to do stuff, and part of that is make home made yummy food that feeds the soul.

So my Pot Roast recipe.

Take Roast, and brown on both sides.  It holds in the juices and flavor.
Saute onions and celery after you are done browning the meat.
Add beef stock and simmer
Add garlic
Italian seasoning
italian parsley
They also want bay but I don't have any

Add carrots and potatoes when the stock has reduced and enjoy.  Add corn and peas for extra veggies.

Response to Tess

I wanted to take some time before replying to you.  Then life happened and I had to deal with my own personal drama.  So I do apologize if it has taken me some time to get back to you.

I appreciate the apology over your analogy of the 40.  I hope that others understand your contriteness and that things can be forgiven and forgotten.  As I was reminded when I was angry over it, by the powers above, I've been stupid too and forgiven by others, I should do the same if an apology is rendered. I hope that you and Aub tea can also similarly talk it out.  As well as Das Heirdha, and others.  Through conflict better understanding can come about.  I hope this can be used for good.

I think the bigger and more grievous conflict, was the indication of your doing it wrong.  I understand and respect your experience Tess.  However, I would like to remind you, you are not the only cane waving elder around:)  No kids need to get off anyones lawn right now.

From my Gods in response to your offer to pour libations.

They appreciate the offer.  They would prefer other gestures.


Go help someone instead.  Go babysit and give a special needs mother a break, so that she may take a nap, a shower, go on a date, and find some sanity.
Listen to someone who needs to vent.  It does not need to be the level of strays that she takes in, but listen, and offer succor.

I am busy and lessening my load is more appreciated.

Garden for the bees, the butterfly's etc.  It makes the fey happy.
Help your local Prison Chaplain
Project Innocence
Hug your local soldier.  Hug your local vet.


He likes the Fey, butterfly Garden as well.  Or give some apples to the deer.

The Unknown Goddess who may be a conglomeration

Frith making.

Understand that to me she isn't a queen.  Oh and dear have a cup of tea, sit down, and put your feet up.  Have you eaten today?

Now, that is out of the way.  Interfaith love is imp to her.  There is more work to be done, and it needs the help of Christians.  The homeless still need homes, the hungry need to be fed, etc.

That is what they would prefer instead of libations.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Plants that I find Fairies to have an affinity to.

Apples.  I don't know what it is about apples, but I feel the fey near them.  It is also associated with the underworld. Since they flower in the early spring, it will also give nectar to bees, and other polinators.  If you get crabapples, you can feed birds later on.  It also smells wonderful.


Thyme. I don't know if butterflies like it, but I do know that bees will like it as well.  Since bees are having issues, planting it, will help them.

Blackberry(they are thorny as heck.  birds and many wildlife will eat them.  They are also yummy as hell.)  They are high in fiber.

I haven't noticed fey around elderberry, but then I haven't really looked, nor do I know if I've planted any.  However a lot of lore is associated with that.

Hollyhocks.  Hollyhocks can be nectar as well as host plants to butterflies.

Roses.  If you get the kind that fruits and makes hips, you can make tea out of those that are high in vitamin c.

I have found that the fey, love butterfly gardens.

Butterfly bush, flowers all season.  Get a few different colors.  The red attracts hummingbirds.  The bees also loved it.

Milkweed.  It is necessary for monarchs to lay their eggs.  Monarchs are having a hard time of it.  If you have damp clay soil, get yourself swamp milkweed.  There are several ornamental varieties.

Cone flowers and black eyed susans.  They are drought tolerant and will flower and give nectar all season.  There are several different varieties.

Beebalm.  It will flower and thrive in part sun I have found.  (I planted it in the shady area by my front door in ms).  Bees love it, hummingbirds love it, so do butterflies.

Bronze fennel.  Heat tolerant, and the swallowtails love to eat it.

Dill.  Swallowtails love it.  Will take the abuse and come back, but don't expect to get much for yourself.

Hollyhock.  It can be a host plant.

Perennial sunflower.  It is also a host plant.  Plus if you let it go to seeds the birds later on will love you.

Clover.  Some moths will use it.  Bees love the nectar.

Wild violets.  It is a host plant to an endangered butterfly.  It will flower in early spring.  Likes partial shade.  Plant in an area you aren't planning on mowing.

Gay feather, or liatris.  It is a great nectar plant.

If you are in the east coast, plant wild lupine.  It is a host plant to an endangered butterfly.

Bees and birds, and you will love this plant.  Get yourself some alpine strawberry seeds.  They will have these tiny delectable strawberries.  You can also grow regular strawberries as well.

Friday, January 10, 2014


A lot of arguments on the interwebs on Paganism have talked about what is more important, UPG or the LORE.  Is established practice by our ancient forefather and foremothers imp, or can you do whatever you want to do?  Does relying on UPG make you a fluffy bunny?

I think these questions fail to get to the heart of something.  Are we recreating what was put in place a few thousand years ago, or are we creating something new?  Since many of us have come from Christian backgrounds, that we didn't find spiritually fulfilling, where does our needs and ego begin and end?  Do we need to suck up and accept certain things, or are there certain things that need to change with each individual worshipper?

The Lore is not without bias and problems.  In some of the recon stuff, it has many Christian overtones. Mainly because the Christian monks are the ones that saved it, from themselves.  Much has been lost to history and time.  Context of why the ancients did what can only be speculated on.  Plus the lore is the UPG of the ancients.  I"m sure I"ll get flack for this from someone, but outside of the Pagan 10 commandments being written by the Gods and dropped on some poor priests head, I doubt anyone can argue it is UPG.

Then there is the other point.  If you do what the lore says, you are replaying what others have done.  If you listen to your own UPG, you are forging your own path.  It makes the spirituality more personal to you.

I personally fall more in the line of listen to your own gut and UPG.  The religion is a personal one.  Life changes, so just because something was done once many years ago, doesn't mean it has to be done all the time.  Check in with your Gods.  Get their feedback, because this is a relationship between them and you. Your likes and interests are important as well.

There are limits for me on UPG trumping stuff.  For instance if someone would say that the Morrigan is a pink tutu wearing hippy, who hates guns, and wants peace to reign.  There are clear indications from lore and other people who are affiliated with her that this is patently untrue.  On the other hand, if you she wants you to sacrifice to her a cup of coffee a week, I can't see how that would affect anything other than your personal relationship with her.

To summarize.  I believe that Lore is imp, but personal UPG is more imp to me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Trust 2

Well the reasons for what the Gods said have been made clear to me recently.  It hurts a lot.  And the current lesson plan apparently is all about Trust.  Trust in others and trust in myself.
