Thursday, November 21, 2013

Critical thinking how to, take 1?

It begins with the questions.  It is an important and holy question.  The sacred question of why.

My husband told me once, one of the good hallmarks of a good game master, is to ask why three times. The answer to those questions leads you to help in making the game more enjoyable for the players.  You can also use that method, in critical thinking.

Another name for this, would be the socratic method.  See linky to law school explanation.  It has embedded hyperlinks you can also read to gain more of an idea.  This one is a wiki link  It has more then a law school rapid fire version of the method.

Other tools in your box, that I think are important, is a basic understanding of psychology.  You don't have to go to class, go to amazon and get some used textbooks, and read.  Understanding the basics of how people communicate would be helpful.

Despite the mantra in Pagandom of do not judge others, that is more harmful then hurtful.  It neglects the fact that we are human and it is in our nature to judge.  If we didn't, we often would run head first into bad situations.  Judging is not bad.

It is shallow to base what someone is like based on their looks.  However their speech, body language and how they treat others, shows what they will be like as a person.  It is vital then that you use that knowledge gained from getting to know them to make judgement.  Also ALWAYS listen to your intuition.  It knows things that you do not.

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