Friday, March 28, 2014

God Grammar pun

uh, a singular God... it's "one Áss, many Aesir" (although technically Aesir should be spelled Æsir...). I don't know how to explain that, it's just the singular form of Æsir...?Myriad Hallaug Lokadís 

Had to share, because there is a Lokean joke/pun in there.

This came out of the conversation of some Heathens say "technically" Loki isn't a God but a Jotun.  Because Jotuns aren't Gods???  Ymir isn't a God?  Meh anyway.  I was wondering does that count the Vanir too?  But apparently Vanir are considered Gods. This sentence was a clarification of the Vanir answer.  It was too funny not to share.

Think on it.

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