Monday, October 6, 2014

Mac and Cheese
Makes 2 big casseroles or 1 big casserole container and 3 smaller ones.
Elbow macaroni/shells
mexican shredded cheese 3 1/2 bags
sliced monteray jack cheese
2 bags bacon
6 cooked chicken
lemon juice
bread crumbs
lemon pepper
sea salt
italian seasoning
bacon fat
1/4 cup sour cream
can of peas.
Key lime juice
Bake bacon in oven, save the bacon fat. Bake the bacon till crispy.
Make a roux, with the bacon fat and flour. Let it brown up some. Add milk 2-3 cups. Whisk, on low heat. Add two bags of mexican shredded cheese, and a 1/4 block of the cut up monteray jack cheese. Add in a 1/4 cup of the sour cream. Let that melt and come together on low low heat. Add in half of 1 bag of crumbled crispy bacon, save the rest.
Put oven on 350. Season chicken with Italian seasoning, crushed black pepper, Zaatar and bake for 15 minutes. Take chicken out and score it. Put Key lime juice over it. Put back in oven for 15 more minutes. When done, cut up and put in the sauce.
Put water on stove to boil, when boiling, add in shells and macaroni and cheese, I used 3 boxes. When 3/4's of the way done, strain. Mix in sauce over the strained pasta.
Place in casserole dishes. Add the last bit of cheese and bacon on top. Put bread crumbs on. Bake in oven for 350 for 20 minutes, enjoy.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Devotional Polytheist problems

Today, while giving Morrigan what she asked for.  I was informed that all that latin food I was making.  Yeah, next time, I need to make her some and the other girls want some to.

So What does she want?  My creamy chicken enchilladas and the Red Enchilladas I"m planning to make. If they like it, I will post recipes.

Sigh The Gods as foodies.

Thursday, July 31, 2014



I was given this necklace as an I love you gift, which I deeply appreciate.  The friend showed it to me and asked me what I thought.  I thought shiny, and feminine and tribal version of the Green man.  Which, from what I feel of Loki makes sense.

There is a feyness, a wild untamed quality about him. The face reminded me of those Hindu masks.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A new goal for me

I am done apologizing for my balls to the wall personality.  I am who I am and that's all that I am.  If someone doesn't like it, they can suck it.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pondering on relationships.

I've been cogitating on this for a bit.  What relationships mean to me.  Now I know the Greeks had four forms of love, see linky if you are interested in ancient Greek expressions of love.

When I was in my early twenties, having someone over and just chilling, I may have considered a relationship. Now that I'm older and wiser and sometimes more crotchety, not so much.  A romantic relationship I require a bit more.  This is true of romantic as well as platonic, and also for Deities.

1. Respect for me and Respect for my children.  My kids come first.  If you can't get along with my kids, I can accept that, but I am not going to change my life, we won't see much of each other.

2. Honesty.  I will be honest and forthright with you, I expect the same.  No head games.  I realize this is ironic from a Lokean, but it has been my experience that I get honesty from Loki.  If there needs to be lessons and trickery I get some forewarning.  But no mean head games.  I don't have much patience for high-school games.

3. Acceptance.  I try to accept and not change people. I expect the same in return.

4. Communication.  Yes this means talking shit out.  I may be an empath but I don't want to try to be the psychic friends network to understand something, that you are perfectly capable of using your mouth for.  It wastes my energy, and aggravates me.  Talk.  While we are at it, the phone is a tool, use it.  If you say you are going to get back to me, do so.  If you are going to be late, let me know.

All the above are requirements for both my friendship love and my romantic love. It is about establishing trust.

In order for their to be romantic love, I need to be friends with you.  I need to feel safe.  Otherwise I have trouble dropping my guard and then the connection is hard to make.

For someone who I am romantic with, I need to laugh.  I can't explain why but a man that is funny is sexy as all get out.  It may be because they don't take themselves that seriously and can make me relax.  But yeah to get in my pants, make me laugh.

I also need to be mentally challenged.  I find smart people to be very titillating. Engaging a fellow smart person, is very satisfying.

There is more to a relationship to me than just hanging out.  It's about the good and the bad times.  Friendships need to be tempered in the fires of arguments from time to time.

Like I said, I've been pondering on this.  It needs more work.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

completely innapropriate innuendo

I need more thick juicy meat in my life.  Makes salivating smacking noises.

What this really means.  I want steak.  What it can also mean, evil grin.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

One of those days

Had a germ of a post in my head this morning.  Then I woke up, after having coffee and I really don't remember what it was about.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Where to much weight on your shoulders can harm

I posted this comment on another blog.  But I thought it warranted a blog mention here on it's own.

Once long time ago, in a world removed from the one I’m in now.(I’m telling a story, no rolling of eyes lol). People came to me to tell me their woes. This particular woe was about dissatisfaction in a marriage. I encouraged them to go see a therapist. That person did not.
Then one day, I felt the pattern shift. I’m pretty sure the Wiccan, I had introduced her to(for friendship, cause he needed some) had decided to do a love spell. Which irritated the every living hell out of me, because once done, it cannot be undone, the damn thing had to play out for itself, and I knew the marriage was gone. Any hope of it being repaired, blown away. I was pissed.
Anyway… The marriage went to hell. The man, got screwed over in the first divorce but later got his kids, so that path became ok.(One of the reasons I was fighting for therapy, because if it did go badly, that it would not be so acrimonious and the adults could still stay friends. And hey, less crap to deal with in therapy later on)
I carried that guilt for years. I warned people if you come to me about your marriage troubles either it will get stronger or Woe woe and more woe will happen. Ie I let superstition take hold and think I would screw people up if I listened to the marriage woes.
Anyway years later, I went to an Episcopalian therapist at a Baptist church. I told her the above story. I kept saying, I couldn’t get them to do x. She pointed out how I said it, and that I wasn’t letting them take responsibility(I neglected the magic spell cause ummm, there was only so much I was going to be open about). That I had mentioned over and over and over again, that she needed professional help and she never got it. As she talked or kicked my ass, I felt the guilt leave.
So long story short. Think about that phrase above and whether it is healthy to talk on that amount of guilt and ‘RESPONSIBILITY’ ahead of time. You are human(ish). You are going to fuck up. And that should be ok.

The lesson I learned.

1. I can't control people.  I may see a better path, but that doesn't mean others will take it.  I can't get mad at myself if I won't manipulate them to take that better path, because I find manipulation like that to be unethical. It's not my fault if people don't listen to me.  I should stop making it my fault.  
2. I am human.  If I preach that being human is ok.  If I preach that it is healthy to your self image to be human, and not hurt your psyche by feeling guilty you can't live up to Gods commandments, or Buddha's way, or make it out of the Hindu wheel of Nirvanna, than I should understand I will not always be perfect in my job and duties and I need to let it go.  Learn from my mistakes, pick myself up and dust myself off and get up and try again.  

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bittersweet memeories

So, I had a sad day yesterday.  Not as bad as some of the people I know, who were simmering soup pointlessly.  I know I shouldn't be amused about emo soup but I am, sorry hun.

Anyway...  I'm facing a divorce.  I was missing my best friend yesterday.  I was missing the person who understood me the most.  I was missing and grieving that loss.

The responsible thing, would probably be to google how others deal with it.  But honestly I don't want to do that.  I don't want to open up to others.  I just want to be petted by those I love.

This upcoming divorce has thrown me in many ways.  I have a hard time trusting myself, in picking others.  I feel the ache, where the hole in my heart is.  Sigh, he was my soul mate.

I'm getting over it, but there are parts of me, going what type of friggen dysfunction do I have that I pick the wrong people.  I thought he was the right one.  I thought I had broken my pattern.  How could I make such a mistake.(I don't take failure well).

Why am I writing about this.  So that others, if they choose to read about it, and they are going through stuff, will be helped?  It felt like something I should do, so I hope it helps somebody.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Bad weather

My thoughts are with the south today and yesterday.  Tommorow is supposed to be bad as well.  Keep your heads down and stay safe.

Guys, contact the various charities and see what is needed.  I know that shampoo and food was needed after Katrina.  Many churches house people who have been displaced and they turn into shelters.  Time to reach out guys.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The things you learn while reading quilting stuff

How to have a happy time while ironing.  It also gets out wrinkles(why no one told me starch helps as when I try to iron I end up putting in wrinkles) and makes cloth crisp.  Thus why quilters are discovering the love of starch, because when piecing triangles and other small pieces of fabric(that you cut up from a perfectly good big yard, to put back together for a blanket) it helps if the fabric is crisp and not floppy.

Ok people here is the blog with the recipe at the bottom.  Yup Potato vodka and water equals starch, who woulda thunk it.

Link to explain more of why it is useful, from a quilters blog.

Monday, March 31, 2014

I blame James Grimswolf for this. Deep thoughts on what I want out of tradition

So in a conversation James got me to thunking.  What do I want out of group or a community.  It doesn't help that the Kenny Klein thing has gotten us all talking about ethics and think of the children.  So I'm in deep thought mode.

Keep in mind, while writing this, I am comparing and contrasting stuff I've experienced and seen. I'm comparing and contrasting solitary Wicca, Wiccan covens, some group work I've done, Kindreds and churches.  These are my feelings.

Well, I'm an American.  I'm not really all that into Wicca hierarchy nor Chieftains.  Have those that know what they are doing, be nominally in charge.  But I do think that everyone should have a say, that is in the group.  Lets vote and do it Republican style(the Roman term not the political party term).

The whole lets go and be what the ancients were, leaves me with the not so warm and fuzzy feelings.  I'm a modern person and with that, comes some benefits.  I don't want to copy what the ancients did.  I want to learn from them, use what is good and put in a box(the stuff I don't find good, but others may later) the other stuff.  I want us to appreciate our moderness.  I don't know about anyone else but air conditioning is fricken nice.

I think that Group work is just as important as Solo work.  I think a community or a tradition should be able to accommodate both.  We don't need to do Pagan Catholism.  We need to see what works for us and do that.  Small stuff is just as important as Pomp and Circumstance.

One of the reasons, I found I wasn't ever going to be BTW Wiccan, was meeting the Goddess was like having High Tea with the Queen.  There wasn't the small familiarity of family from my previous encounters. The rituals weren't adaptable. I was trying to do a simple Garden blessing and all I could hear was Pomp and Circumstance music in the back of my head.  I wanted the small waltzes of Beethoven, or the soft music of Lorena McKennit.

I am not Wiccan, because the religion didn't feel as real or rich to me as I need.  It felt contrived.  It felt too immersed in New Agey concepts and too mixed.  So for me, I need something that has the richness and primalness of Ye olden days.  I need the Gods to be equal to.  No male God is the consort of the Goddess thing.  I need the Gods to be thought of as real, not as Pantheistic concepts.  So the community can't be so overly diverse that we end up being another UU CUUPs thing.

I need the community to be involved in interfaith and intrafaith stuff.  Why, because there are things that all the religions can do that need doing.  Homeless shelters, food banks, helping those in prison etc etc etc etc.

While we are at it... The community can't be I hate Jesus and God.  It's time to grow up and put that crap aside.  We are becoming an adult religion, and with that comes like acting like an adult and working with people you don't agree with.  So conflict resolution skills are going to be imp.

Friday, March 28, 2014

God Grammar pun

uh, a singular God... it's "one Áss, many Aesir" (although technically Aesir should be spelled Æsir...). I don't know how to explain that, it's just the singular form of Æsir...?Myriad Hallaug Lokadís 

Had to share, because there is a Lokean joke/pun in there.

This came out of the conversation of some Heathens say "technically" Loki isn't a God but a Jotun.  Because Jotuns aren't Gods???  Ymir isn't a God?  Meh anyway.  I was wondering does that count the Vanir too?  But apparently Vanir are considered Gods. This sentence was a clarification of the Vanir answer.  It was too funny not to share.

Think on it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A very thought provoking post

I  have run into this hypocrisy time and time again.  I have mostly run into it because I dare to be a Republican when many Pagans are very liberal.  I really don't understand the virulence.  If you don't like it, don't be it.  Simple.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Another shiny


Submission and supplication to my Gods

James asked me to write or give my take on Submission to the Gods.  I originally took it to mean, about Faith and doing what they want.    I had previously wrote a bit here:

I remember talking about Asherah vs the Caananite Queen.  I talked about Kitchen witchery vs Gardnerian Wicca and seeing the same Goddess and how I felt and why.  I can't find those posts at the moment.

However, James meant literally supplicating yourself to the Gods.  So I'm going to write what I think on that and why I don't find it applicable to me.

I'm going to start with the culture I grew up in.  I'm first and foremost an American.  I was taught Americans do not bow or bend their knees to anyone.  It doesn't have anything to do with Arrogance, but we are the children of people who fought for their independence.  Bending your knee, to royalty is disrespectful to our founders and ourselves.  We don't recognize class, caste, or nobility, because anyone can be anything they wish to be.  Your actions make you noble, not your birth.

I am a German(and other heinz 57 blood) American.  My mom would let me know that isn't copacetic. Nothing I've read in the culture would support this.

I am a military brat.  While officers are given acknowledgement of their rank, and it's hierarchal, you earn your respect.  Our military culture is different than many of the worlds.  Low ranking NCO's can make decisions in war, that in other military culture would be seen as anathema.

My personality is such that I don't do well with kneeling and submitting.  This is one of the reasons I found my way to Paganism.  I wrote about it some here:

My gods would laugh if I started doing that.  Loki would take my temperature, point out I'm his daughter not a sexual submissive and/or fall off of furniture laughing his ass off.  It may even be in that order. Cernunnos would probably cock an eyebrow at me.  Morrigan would teach me the hard way, why that is wrong.  The lady would gently try to teach me that isn't respecting myself, nor is it required, desired.  Pan would be more like the Morrigan.  I also don't have that relationship with Yahweh, I think he'd check to make sure I wasn't possessed first.

I am to grow.  I am to learn.   I am not to stay a child, I am to try to be an adult(I'm not talking human adult, I'm talking bigger long term plan for my soul).  Acting submissive isn't applicable in that long term goal.

Friday, March 21, 2014

ooooh shiny posts

Hey John Halstead you may find this interesting.  Grimswolf when you get a chance to breath I think you'd like it too

It resonates with me, because this was me until I got my head out of my ass.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

History, tradition and responsibility one puts on ones own shoulders.  This post is very dramatic.  Full of pomp and circumstance.

You are not fighting for me(I'm a wolf).  You are fighting for your own ego and view of what you want. You don't get to talk for or fight for the collective community, many of which you have managed to piss off.  Dire wolves came before the old man btw, they were before humans, so you can't be fighting for the collective howl of them.  Egregious poetic license there.

First off can we go back to reality land.  Lone wolves aren't always lone due to disease.  When it's time to start their own, they wander away from their pack to find others, to make their own family.

It makes perfect sense, for someone, who is coming into their own leadership, would strike off on their own. It is perfectly healthy and hale, to do so.   Mayhaps before commenting on others, one should look to themselves.

It says something about the security of someone, that the first line is, lone wolves are diseased or mentally unstable.  It also says something that, they have to use someone else's snide comment but can't make their own. Then to say, after starting that piece the way you did, that you aren't trying to silence the "lone wolves" is rather lame.  Btw, you aren't the Alpha, you are to insecure for that role.

The whole "tradition" thing smacks more of ego, than actual truth.  Don't look behind the man in the curtain. Listen to the booming voice instead.  Yeah no.

The Germanic tradition wasn't sundered 2000 years ago.  Ok Charlemagne did behead the heads of German chieftains who wouldn't accept Christ, but that wasn't the sundering.  Hell the vikings, and Anglo Saxons were quite a pain in the ass for a while.  In fact it wasn't Christianity that stopped the Vikings but their own success.  Oh and btw, common tactic then was to convert the chiefs, so the others would become Christian.  It wasn't all that violent.  You would think someone who was a recon would know this.

Traditions weren't sundered, they changed.  That is the nature of life.  Change happens.

Also, when Pagans became Pagans(of whatever stripe), they didn't come into living traditions.  Hell we haven't really gotten to anything resembling tradition, let alone a living one.  We are still figuring out the Gods and our connection.  Outside of BTW Wicca, and a few other lineaged traditions, traditions really haven't come into being.

Hell I'm not entirely sure that tradition is all that it is cracked up to be.  First know how to work on your own, before working with others.  Learn to trust yourself before you can trust others.

It is also very Germanic, to go against the grain and sunder useless tradition.  You want a historical example, MARTIN LUTHER.  How about another, my mom is German.  Yeah, the whole listen to authority was there, but she also made damn sure her daughters could think for themselves.  With the whole listen to authority came the stand up and fight for your beliefs.  Be an independent person.  It is well within the German mentality to decide screw this shit, I'm doing x, because your way doesn't work well.  Know the culture before talking out of your ass.

Oh and btw, someone making a critique about how you act, is not a battle cry.  This isn't about compromise but how to act like an adult.  Quit throwing a tantrum like a petulant two year old.  No one is being mean to you, and he most definitely isn't picking on you.  It says a lot, that you can't handle being disagreed with.  It says a lot, that your response to an honest and thought provoking critique is this piece, where you can't even right out and say who it is and the issue, you have to couch it in passive aggressive terms.  Grow the eff up already, and quit playing the victim.

Please read James Grimswolf piece

It is pretty inspiring and thought provoking.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thoughts on how to make the community better

The community I am talking about is the greater Pagan community.  I am not talking about just the Polytheistic, or the Wiccan, or the New Agey Paganish ones.  The community I am referring to, includes all of those.

First of all, I would put theology aside for a moment.  I would focus on healthy communication.  I would focus on negating the unhealthy ideals garnered from liberal politics.  I would focus on, learning boundaries vs being a reactionary.

Humans, all of us have issues.  However, in certain segments of Paganism, as well as in liberal politics, I have found, to be some unhealthy things.  If you don't know how to communicate in an uber diplomatic way, you are a meany pooh pooh head.  Agreeing to disagree is not an option.  Conflict resolution is not something that is taught or done.  Taking things way to personally is way to common.  Tolerance is equated with acceptance and approval.  Basically a lot of childish stuff.

I would say, in order to make things better, we focus on growing up more.  Focus on healthy communication, from communication texts.  Focus on some healthy psychology, from psychology texts and less on shiny magic stuff.  I think we as a community should do some growing up.  It would help with the intrareligious issues.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ponderings about Columbia, and Rosie the Riveter.

I'm half asleep as I write this.  So who knows what or how this is going to come out of my head.  You have been warned....

John Halstead blog, that he linked on Google plus(Devotional practice with the world at it's center) and the comments on google plus, got me to pondering about Columbia.  She is America's Patron Goddess.  It also helps that I am running Scion, and Columbia is one of the Gods in it.  You can read about Columbias history here:

I was pondering last night, that I do feel that Rosie and Columbia do qualify for Deity status.  I am more comfy with them as gods then I am of Aines Otherfaith, or the Pop culture stuff.  Columbia has a history(very recent as compared to other Gods) and granted she's seen more of an inspiration then full on devotional, but there is a definite presence.

Rosie also has a presence.  A bad ass, go ahead and try to mess with me one.  She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it.  She was forged in war.  She's less ethereal and mental than Columbia is, and more earthy, passionate and lusty.  Though I guess Columbia was also forged in war.  I guess it's her Greek ancestry that makes her feel so distant.

Now I know it can be argued that these are thought forms.  But I think there is more to it.  There is more oomph to these, then just art and the meaningful feelings that come with it.

Dunno, would I consider these two Gods, Yes.  I also feel there is more authenticity to them being Gods then the other arguments I've heard in pop culture Paganism debate.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Reading Talking to the Spirits, chapter 4, on Legends, Lore and Living Faith, made me start reminiscing, about what doesn't work for me and why.  It made me remember my foray into Gardnerian Wicca(never took the 1st degree initiation).  A lot of that has to do, with what is important to me, culturally.

Side note, it has been my experience, if you like Deborah Lipp over Scott Cunningham, you will find BTW Wicca more to your liking.  If like me, you find Scott Cunninghams techniques a joy to work with, go to kitchen witchery and folk magic, and his way(reading Triumph of the moons first, no need to unlearn bad history).

Anyway... I digress.  Gardnerian Wicca, was to formalized for me.  The rituals, when the Goddess came down, felt like taking High tea with the Queen.  It wasn't the same close, familial relationship I felt to her, even though she was the same Goddess that had spoken to me in my dreams.  That felt wrong to me in my intuition.(btw, this is what Cunningham means by do what feels right, he's talking about an intuition check)

It is also why I am not particularly interested in Tess Dawson way of doing things.  Athirat, is treated more like a Queen.  You take off shoes, and put on ritual apparel.  It's very formal.  Asherah, who may or may not be the same Goddess, feels different.  More Jewish Mother/Grandmother to me.

Culturally, I don't feel drawn to the hierarchal way, because I am American.  I was taught Americans don't bow down to Royalty.  We are what the Statue of Liberty says

Inscription on the Statue of Liberty"

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

It is Anathema to me, to bow my head, and think others are superior to me.  My culture and upbringing teaches different.  I honor and respect the sacrifices that many veterans have made to enable me that freedom.  So I can't, to me, go back to the feudal thought process, or encourage the whole royalty thing.  
I also know that, many of the clerics of history, were born to upper classes, politically it was in their best interest, to keep it that way.  I find our government, despite it's many issues, to be a better way.  To bow my head, is to acknowledge, or put myself in that hierarchal state.
Finally, I'm a Lokean.  He's my Daddy.  I don't believe he bowed his head, nor does he think he's above anyone or anything else, why should I?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Communication and how to approach fellow practioners

So things on another blog got me thinking.  It got me thinking on how we treat other practitioners.  I've been trying to do do some self reflection, but every time I try, my mind goes to nap time, so hopefully this post is cogent.(kid up really effing early due to feeling icky)  Inputs caffeine into my blood stream

Some of the dusts ups recently are due to many factors.  Thin skin and the inability to take a cogent critique on one end.  Pedantic overinflated ego's on the other end.

The only thing I got for the thin skin thing is working on feeling more secure in your religious practice.  That in itself is a long detailed post, so I'm gonna work on over inflated ego's.  Everyones guilty at one point or another.  Humble pie is not a very tasty treat, let me tell ya.

It starts with assumptions I believe.  The assumption that someone is not capable in their own right of figuring shit out.  It starts out with someone who is usually right about stuff, thinking they know everything, without doing some time to listen.

Hey smart peeps, you don't got all the answers.  Shut up and ask questions some time.  Figure out if the person is a fresh young thang with no experience, or someone who knows what the hell they are doing.  IF they are a fresh young thang, ask to see if they want your advice, mayhaps the Gods may have it well in hand.

Before you start advising, take some time to get to know the person.  Hell, make a friggen list of questions that discern what level the person is on.  It will help keep you from looking like a know it all ass, some of the time.

What am I talking about.  When meeting new people, don't assume that you are their elder.  Treat them as equal peers.  Soften your language with questions before hardening with the voice of authority and cane waving elder shooing off the idiot kids, off their lawn.  AKA try to not have your head up your own ass, and think it smells like roses.  AKA, questions help in not being a dick.  You may be an annoying twit, but at least you aren't being a dick.

Ok gonna lay down now

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Butter and drink recipe

I think these would make great things to give out in group rituals or feasts.  I think it's also something the Gods would love to try, even if it is out of their local cuisine fare.  Try it.

Tea steamer

Steam a cup of milk(or however much) try using organic, as it is creamier.  Add in a tea bag of formossan oohlong and some turbinado sugar or sugar in the raw as it is called, or you can use honey.  Steep and sip and enjoy.

Also had this yummy butter at an Irish pub.

You take whipped cream butter(I think they used unsalted) add honey and brandy.  OMG it was orgamsic.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

God Phone and sensitivity

I hear a lot, on how special people are that are psychic.  I hear the term muggles used and other non Harry Potter stuff used, to distinguish between us Pagan sensitives and those that aren't.  I call bullshit.

We aren't special, every human has it.  Some of us just have more practice.  Then others are just more delusional and believe our own bullshit.

Humans are animals.  We have our 5 senses.  We also have our instinct, especially if we don't kill it off with self doubt, coated in logic.  That sense is called intuition and "gut".  Those uh oh feelings.  That person is creepy feeling, but you can't put your finger on it.  Don't go out today, and you find out why.  Or you can "feel" that a dangerous storm is brewing.  Or that inner voice that tells you to call someone you love, but you can't figure out why, but you find out later they needed someone.

None of these are special.  They are tools that we have available to us.  Psychics and those with God phones aren't special, they just have more practice at trusting the crazy shit that comes to us, and understanding we will get the why's later.  We are no more special than the potter who can make bowls and mugs, and other amazing stuff.  We are no more special than the person who can do engineering.  These are all tools and skills.

God phones, is intuition done with more time and more trust in yourself.  I learned by talking initially with the trees.  I learned how to do that by starting free writing.  The key to God phone is your subconscious and your imagination.  You need to learn to discern from your imagination, and from the oomph stuff that is given to you.

One of the things that I learned to discern from that is how much color and noise is given to me.  My imagination gives me color, but not full Technicolor.  The voices are richer.  The Gods have voices like the trees, only deeper.  I can feel the long view in what they give me.  My voice is like a ferret in response and more high pitched.

I figured this out by reading Laurie Cabots Power of the witch.  I adapted her 5 steps to getting to the alpha state.  One of the things in there says you get to it by day dreaming, and reading.  So I used my little man on the shoulder I got from my owies in my childhood to analyze when I entered that state.  Then I practiced going there at will.

A con though.  You can be too sensitive.  I found that out in MS.  I would get panic attacks and see blue lights flashing.  Later on, I saw a cop car.  I was too sensitive.  Yahweh stuck a filter on the back of my head and shook his head at me.  Steps on the ground aren't always an incoming earthquake, so you may need to shield and center and ground more, if you are getting that way.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Trying to find the pattern in what didn't work in communication

I'm trying to analyze stuff in my past life, that didn't work, in regards to communication.  Maybe by posting this, it may help some of you, or not....

I have found, that while I am passionate, I am not someone who is, an activist personality.  I am Pagan, that is not how I define my life.  I do not live my life, just for my religious beliefs.  Ergo, I find I do not get along with activist types, because their politics or whatever is what drives them.  They can't see beyond their own issues.

I can't get along with those, who can't be disagreed with.  This is usually ego or insecurity on their end.  I'm a Lokean, telling me I can't disagree with you or argue with you, doesn't work so well.  Frankly I don't find it healthy on an emotional or mental level.

Most liberal Pagans I have encountered of are of the you can't argue with me level.  Their politics are so ingrained, that if you argue from the opposite side, you are the enemy.  It takes the form, usually of employing belittling techniques(mostly in grammar or spelling, to flat out calling you stupid or saying that you are morally repugnant, for voting for a candidate they disagree with).  Ironically they are the ones who argue the most about tolerance but can't display it or walk the walk.  What they really want is acceptance, but you can't force that on others, and they vehemently refuse to see that.

I have many liberal Pagans on my personal facebook.  However, they usually have enough of a healthy ego, that it's ok for us to disagree.  More to the point, they will argue back with me, just as passionately and mostly do so in a manner that is respectful.  Keeps the personal brain cells going and I enjoy it.

I have learned, that sometimes I just need to let people be wrong(on the Internet or otherwise).  I'm not really good in putting that theory in practice though.  So sometimes loosing people is my fault.

There is more to this, but that's all I got for now, so I will write more later.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Tess latest blog post and reply, has brought me to think on the deeper issues to be addressed in our communities.  Ironic, with mercury retrograde going on and how it effects communication.  But the issue is communication.

I have encountered in my life, that people speak differently.  I can understand and get along with and argue in a healthy manner with Conservatives.  Depending on the liberal, that may also be true.  I can talk and be understood by various Recons.  That is not the case with the less hard polytheistic or liberal minded Pagans. It is like we are on a different planet.  All the communication techniques I learned in college are not helpful, when I address them.  Somehow I am always at fault.  Which quite honestly has led me to give up.

I am going to take the time today, to put out links, for people who may be interested, in learning more about communication and hopefully this may improve the situation.

Here is another more Pagan flavored link, showing the different communication styles between Recon and Wiccans.  I think it has only gotten worse.

Here is a pdf link that shows the different types of communication styles.

You can open this with open office or microsoft office.  This is a power point presentation.  It looks simplistic and may read condescending but for those that are more visually oriented it is useful.  I am direct, and I have found that in the liberal Pagan land, they are more Passive, and somehow I read as dominating using that pdf.  I can't fathom why.

Here is a funny that George Takei posted, that also shows communication.  I thought it would be useful.

I am posting these links, because in order to improve communication, it is necessary to know what type you do.  It helps in then doing conflict resolution.  Think of it, to use a fluffy analogy, of figuring out your communication power animal:P

Please, I encourage people to comment here, so that others can learn from your wisdom.  When I figure out more, I will do follow up posts.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

sighs, no it really isn't them, it is you.

Sigh, real good advice for most conversations.  However, it's a slap in the face, of those you insulted(and no I'm white and I'm usually the blunt wench that inadvertently insults people) when you make statements like pour a 40 to your homies.  I showed the link of why it was a bullshit statement.  It is not the audience fault for taking it the wrong way, it is your fault for being insensitive.

Making it the audience fault is manipulation.  It shows lack of care.  Granted everyone does it, I know I have.  However a month or two after the apology, and a sincere apology was issued, we are back to, no really it's not me, it's you.  Does not bring good feelings.  It makes me narrow my eyes and frankly loose trust.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Something that bugs me and I need to vent about.

My son, is learning at the local Methodist church about Christianity.  I know the Pastor and I trust her.  I know some of the people there and they are good people.  My son has not decided what religion he is.

However at his school, he went and said Hail to the meat one day.  That evoked a comment from one of the teachers.  Apparently she was not pleased with that, and told him, that is taking the lords name in vain.  He didn't talk back or anything.  However it bothers me that she felt that was ok to do.  Here are the reasons:

1.  It is not your place to put your religious convictions on my child.  You are disrespecting me as a parent.  Back the heck off.

2.  It's hail to the meat, how the hell is that taking the lords name in vain?  I thought that was swears with J and or G-D or G-d dangit.

3. Separation of church and state dangit.

4. Seriously, you can be serious about your religion, but you are getting upset about Hail to the Meat?!!!!!  Chill out.

On the other hand, I am aghast that my son is afraid to speak up, because he is not comfortable telling the teachers, that he doesn't feel it's ok for them to not put their religious choices on him.(ok that is more tactful then he is but still).  What happened to critical thinking and encouraging our children to use it.  Why are we using so much respect my authoritay!11!!!!!!!!1111! and less questioning authoritay?  That is disturbing to me.

Ok, thank you for listening.

Friday, February 14, 2014

While I was researching...

I ran into something though provoking the other day.  One of the places I read, is doing a series on demonology.  They were starting with Sumerian mythology.  Since the writer is heavily Christian and the sources I have read of him before, make me wonder on his sources, I decided to google.  I found something interesting.

Sumerian Demons are not like what we think of in Christian mythos.  Sumerian Demons are not necessarily bad.  They have rules, and aren't the the chaotic forces of evil, that we see on Paranormal witness.  Ghosts are classified under this. Quoted from the page.  that means that ghosts, foreign gods, monsters, protective spirits, and numerous other essences are all lumped into the broad category of Udug.    Udug is the Sumerian word for Demon.

That explains things.  That explains the Jewish fear of Ghosts.  That explains why Solomon could build a temple with help from demons(Key of Solomon and Lesser key of Solomon) and that explains why there is a holdover of foreign Gods equals demons.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Oh and for those curious, home page for Sumerian Gods and the context.  Go and view.

This is also interesting as heck too

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why I am a Pagan

I keep getting asked this.  I figured it would make a decent blog post.  Maybe inspire others to share why they are what they are.

I am a Pagan/Witch/Mystic because of dreams.  Being a Pagan kept my fear of the dark at bay.  It gave me tools(shielding, lucid dreaming, allies, ability to astral fight, understanding that what I see is there and I'm not nuts etc) to fight the bad things that go bump in the night.  Praying to God or Jesus did not make the bad things go away, nor the fear.  I still huddled under my blanket at night feeling the fear.

The second reason I am a Pagan, is I agree with the philosophy.  I respect Christians and Christianity and Judaism.  However...  I have strong reservations with a few policies that it has.  It stance on sexuality does not mesh up with mine.  Despite some of the Christian churches taking a different view on women being Pastors, most of the churches stance on that does not mesh up with me.  Those are some hard and fast boundaries that I can't get past.  There are a couple of others as well, but those two are the big ones for me.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Religious dress

I really don't have any.  I do have jewelry that has special significance.  I do feel more oomphy when wearing the head scarf with the mirror things around my head.  I am being bothered to make a girdle with bells and jingly bits attached.

However none of these are needed, but just accessory items.  The only religious equipment I need is me. Hell I don't even need to be nakie(British Traditional Witchcraft would call this skyclad, but I think this has more to do with the founder liking to see nubile young thangs, than accessing your power.  50 years of Wicca).  I can do a ritual in jeans and a tshirt.  I'm not more oomphy in robes than I am in comfy jeans and a shirt.

I'm just as much a dreamy eyes poet as many other Pagans.  Hopefully I don't write horrible poetry that makes others cry.  I however have a firm, Iron willed inner pragmatist, who scoffs at special thingies in order to practice religion.  I blame my mother.  She was a firm believer that you could pray to God while on the toilet just as much as you can while in the church.  She is also very much right.

I think the religious regalia has less to do with the Gods and more to do with our need to wear special funny hats and other regalia.  It has to do with our inner dramatist.  Mine isn't very sophisticated though, mine is still wearing horned helmets with fur coming out of the metal brassiere while singing German opera:)

To summarize...  I really don't need anything but my mind in order to practice religion.  I can be in bed and connect with my Gods just as much as being outside, dressed up, with a bonfire and various geegaw and other shiny thingies.  (Oh lord Loki is getting ideas).  Jeans and Tshirt are just as viable as silk robes and silly hats.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Loki and pop culture

The Avengers movie has released an increase interest in Loki.  I don't find that to be a good pop culture representation of him.  Not the least of which, Loki would never wear such heinous head gear.

Hellooooo Can we say, are you compensating for something?  Sides Loki is a shape shifter, if he can switch to a female horse and give birth, I'm quite sure he can change the size of his thing, to be a better lover.  The horns just bug me, as well as that green outfit.

The better pop culture Representative of Loki, I find to be Q from Star Trek. Not to mention he is more stylish.  His interactions with Picard, and Janeway, are more of my experiences with Loki.  His ability to think ahead and be a proper tricky bastard is how I know Loki.  Though the Avengers movie in Ny just made me love Iron man more. But I digress.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Being Strong

So, because of you is something I'm going through lately. Also Kelly Clarksons what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Her Ms Independent is also eerily accurate. Not a quite unknown road, but one that I wasn't prepared to walk, thought I had learned these lessons. Apparently not... (I should also probably get off of Kelly Clarksons love songs)

The problem though with being strong, is you know how to fight. You know your strengths and weaknesses and how to use them. But you don't know how to live. You don't know how to have patience. You cut people off when a little patience would have gone farther.

Then when you do understand patience, you give a little to much to those you trust. Causing this cycle to start anew.

I can fight. Fighting is easy. I can stand tall. I can leave so easily. Staying is different. Understanding when to stay and be patient and when to walk is a harder game to understand.

It's akin to having scar tissue and cartilage. Sure you are tougher. The downside is you feel less, and you are jaded. How do you get stronger and wiser without feeling less. How do you get close without flinching from every perceived blow.

People talk about being strong. People talk about passion. They don't talk about the dark times and getting through them. They don't talk about the lonely times.

Being strong is great. But be flexible, so you don't become brittle. I'm trying to put more flexibility in my Iron. I need to be more flexible, without being so flexible I can't stand for anything.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wicca is not a nature religion

You can argue that Wicca is an Agrarian based religion, but it is most certainly not a nature religion.  The wheel of the year is based off of English farming stuff.  It is also a romanticized view of the Manor born.  The Lord and Lady, are the spiritual Lord and Lady of the manor.

You have 3 harvest festivals.  You have the equinoxes and the solstices.  You have the spring planting and fertility festivals.  All these point to an Agrarian root.  The Farmers Almanac would not go amiss, to be used in planning rituals.

The people who argue this is a Nature religion, don't have much experience with nature.  They are city or suburbanites.  I dare say, they don't have much experience with even gardening.  They have this romanticized, idealized view of nature.  Nature that they experience in tended city parks, where most of the big bad predators have already been killed off.

Having rituals under the full moon, naked or no, does not make you closer to nature.  It makes you camping religiously.  The night does not hold terror for you that it does for those who really understand what nature is. The time of plenty(harvest) and lean(winter and early spring) does not hold the same meaning to them as it does to those who live the Agrarian life.(see third world Africa sometime, or other poverty stricken areas).

If Wicca were a nature religion, than the adherents wouldn't pooh pooh people in other countries for being superstitious about things out of their control.  They would understand that a cow loosing it's milk, could spell death, or disease or hardship to someone, not an inconvenience.  They would understand that a bad harvest could wipe out a family.  They would understand the lack of power that these people have, and the uncertainty that they live with.  That btw breeds illogical superstitions, which science and reason combat far more effectively than annoying letter writing campaigns telling people how bad they are.

Nature isn't nice.  It has a strong predator and prey aspect to it.  If Wicca were the nature religion that many purport, than cursing wouldn't be such an issue.  Neither would animal sacrifice.  Dont' be around negative people, would not be such an issue, because passivism would not be encouraged.

So don't mind me, when I snort, when I hear that asinine phrase.  I hug trees too. I garden as well, can't veggie garden worth a damn, but I garden.  But when I was Wiccan I did not worship in a nature religion. Turning to a more Polytheistic roots, it still isn't a nature religion.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wiccan Rede, cursing, and preachy twits

So it has come to my attn, that certain segments of the Wiccan population are upset by cursing.  Apparently, they feel they can go about and beat people over the head and shoulders with the Wiccan Rede.  Apparently, the Wiccan Rede is only Do what thou wilt, an it harm none.

Well let me edgemacate you.  Not it most certainly is not. Here is the long Rede, taken off of wikipedia(apparently google is not a tool that some Wiccans use, nor any type of research).  linky.
History behind it

The Long Rede[edit]

In 1974 a complete twenty-six line poem entitled "The Wiccan Rede" was published in the neo-Pagan magazine Earth Religion News. Each line contained a rhymed couplet laid out as a single line, the last line being the familiar "short rede" couplet beginning "Eight words...".
This poem was shortly followed by another, slightly different, version, entitled the "Rede Of The Wiccae", which was published in Green Egg magazine by Lady Gwen Thompson. She ascribed it to her grandmother Adriana Porter, and claimed that the earlier published text was distorted from "its original form". The poem has since been very widely circulated and has appeared in other versions and layouts, with additional or variant passages. It is commonly known as the "Long Rede".
Thompson's version of the Long Rede is:
Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live an’ let live - Fairly take an’ fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about To keep all evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time - Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye an’ light of touch - Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing Moon - Sing and dance the Wiccan rune.
Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane, An’ the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.
When the Lady’s Moon is new, Kiss thy hand to Her times two.
When the Moon rides at Her peak Then your heart’s desire seek.
Heed the Northwind’s mighty gale - Lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast.
When the West wind blows o’er thee, Departed spirits restless be.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go - Burn them quick an’ burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady’s tree - Burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn - Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned a Yule, Light the Log an’ let Pan rule.
Heed ye flower bush an’ tree - By the Lady Blessèd Be.
Where the rippling waters go Cast a stone an’ truth ye’ll know.
When ye have need, Hearken not to others greed.
With the fool no season spend Or be counted as his friend.
Merry meet an’ merry part - Bright the cheeks an’ warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law ye should - Three times bad an’ three times good.
When misfortune is enow, Wear the Blue Star on thy brow.
True in love ever be Unless thy lover’s false to thee.
Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill - An’ it harm none, Do what ye will.

If you are going to ethically shame people, than you damn well better know the full Rede.  Rede by the way is not law, it translates to advice.  Oh and here is some more history...  The Rede probably came from Crowley.

Oh and btw, Wiccans back in the 70's and 80's, especially the BTW, had no issue with cursing.  I have heard of a story, of a coven, doing a spell, to hurt a man who had raped one of their coven members.  He lost his member in a bar fight, after the spell.  
The person who brought this to light, is arguing that no one should be offended by Wiccans preaching this philosophy.  Because that is how they are.  No, that isn't how they are.  This is the love and light crowd, who can't deal with the real world, and who don't understand what conflict resolution are.  This is the love and light crowd who get offended by Conservative Christians being Conservative Christians, but feel that they have the same right. Mind you, all the Christians I know, are not raging buttwipes, who can't seem to discuss things like rational people.
Biding by the Wiccan Rede does not mean you have to be a doormat.  It does not mean you can't tackle conflict head on.  It does not mean you need to be a twit.  
Oh and when I was Wiccan, I wasn't BTW.  I was an eccletic type, who managed to still know the damn history, better than some BTW's and know the full Rede, know it was advice, and critically think.  Time to get your head out of your arse peeps and shaddup.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Vampire nightmare.

Woke up this morning at 5 a.m to a nightmare, of being in a post apocalyptic world, trying to survive, with Vampires able to walk in the day time.  Mind you the day time was like twilight time, so probably due to not having to worry about U.V radiation.

I had asked my mom in the dream, why can't we have fresh foods.  She told me due to the radiation issues, we subsist on canned food.(licking the plate clean) which is safer but less nutritious.  She looks out the window, and sees a vampire, who sees her.  The glass breaks.  The vampire eats a random passerby.  Grandma has to stay in the house and mom is now gone too.  I run with someone.

Yeah, I have a feeling this is all about intimacy and I can guess what the post apocalyptic world is.  I'm not getting the nutrition of the closeness of family or relationship.  I'm not living, I'm surviving.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So I've been sitting here feeling bad about stuff.  Well I got poked about making a pot roast.  I need to do stuff, and part of that is make home made yummy food that feeds the soul.

So my Pot Roast recipe.

Take Roast, and brown on both sides.  It holds in the juices and flavor.
Saute onions and celery after you are done browning the meat.
Add beef stock and simmer
Add garlic
Italian seasoning
italian parsley
They also want bay but I don't have any

Add carrots and potatoes when the stock has reduced and enjoy.  Add corn and peas for extra veggies.

Response to Tess

I wanted to take some time before replying to you.  Then life happened and I had to deal with my own personal drama.  So I do apologize if it has taken me some time to get back to you.

I appreciate the apology over your analogy of the 40.  I hope that others understand your contriteness and that things can be forgiven and forgotten.  As I was reminded when I was angry over it, by the powers above, I've been stupid too and forgiven by others, I should do the same if an apology is rendered. I hope that you and Aub tea can also similarly talk it out.  As well as Das Heirdha, and others.  Through conflict better understanding can come about.  I hope this can be used for good.

I think the bigger and more grievous conflict, was the indication of your doing it wrong.  I understand and respect your experience Tess.  However, I would like to remind you, you are not the only cane waving elder around:)  No kids need to get off anyones lawn right now.

From my Gods in response to your offer to pour libations.

They appreciate the offer.  They would prefer other gestures.


Go help someone instead.  Go babysit and give a special needs mother a break, so that she may take a nap, a shower, go on a date, and find some sanity.
Listen to someone who needs to vent.  It does not need to be the level of strays that she takes in, but listen, and offer succor.

I am busy and lessening my load is more appreciated.

Garden for the bees, the butterfly's etc.  It makes the fey happy.
Help your local Prison Chaplain
Project Innocence
Hug your local soldier.  Hug your local vet.


He likes the Fey, butterfly Garden as well.  Or give some apples to the deer.

The Unknown Goddess who may be a conglomeration

Frith making.

Understand that to me she isn't a queen.  Oh and dear have a cup of tea, sit down, and put your feet up.  Have you eaten today?

Now, that is out of the way.  Interfaith love is imp to her.  There is more work to be done, and it needs the help of Christians.  The homeless still need homes, the hungry need to be fed, etc.

That is what they would prefer instead of libations.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Plants that I find Fairies to have an affinity to.

Apples.  I don't know what it is about apples, but I feel the fey near them.  It is also associated with the underworld. Since they flower in the early spring, it will also give nectar to bees, and other polinators.  If you get crabapples, you can feed birds later on.  It also smells wonderful.


Thyme. I don't know if butterflies like it, but I do know that bees will like it as well.  Since bees are having issues, planting it, will help them.

Blackberry(they are thorny as heck.  birds and many wildlife will eat them.  They are also yummy as hell.)  They are high in fiber.

I haven't noticed fey around elderberry, but then I haven't really looked, nor do I know if I've planted any.  However a lot of lore is associated with that.

Hollyhocks.  Hollyhocks can be nectar as well as host plants to butterflies.

Roses.  If you get the kind that fruits and makes hips, you can make tea out of those that are high in vitamin c.

I have found that the fey, love butterfly gardens.

Butterfly bush, flowers all season.  Get a few different colors.  The red attracts hummingbirds.  The bees also loved it.

Milkweed.  It is necessary for monarchs to lay their eggs.  Monarchs are having a hard time of it.  If you have damp clay soil, get yourself swamp milkweed.  There are several ornamental varieties.

Cone flowers and black eyed susans.  They are drought tolerant and will flower and give nectar all season.  There are several different varieties.

Beebalm.  It will flower and thrive in part sun I have found.  (I planted it in the shady area by my front door in ms).  Bees love it, hummingbirds love it, so do butterflies.

Bronze fennel.  Heat tolerant, and the swallowtails love to eat it.

Dill.  Swallowtails love it.  Will take the abuse and come back, but don't expect to get much for yourself.

Hollyhock.  It can be a host plant.

Perennial sunflower.  It is also a host plant.  Plus if you let it go to seeds the birds later on will love you.

Clover.  Some moths will use it.  Bees love the nectar.

Wild violets.  It is a host plant to an endangered butterfly.  It will flower in early spring.  Likes partial shade.  Plant in an area you aren't planning on mowing.

Gay feather, or liatris.  It is a great nectar plant.

If you are in the east coast, plant wild lupine.  It is a host plant to an endangered butterfly.

Bees and birds, and you will love this plant.  Get yourself some alpine strawberry seeds.  They will have these tiny delectable strawberries.  You can also grow regular strawberries as well.

Friday, January 10, 2014


A lot of arguments on the interwebs on Paganism have talked about what is more important, UPG or the LORE.  Is established practice by our ancient forefather and foremothers imp, or can you do whatever you want to do?  Does relying on UPG make you a fluffy bunny?

I think these questions fail to get to the heart of something.  Are we recreating what was put in place a few thousand years ago, or are we creating something new?  Since many of us have come from Christian backgrounds, that we didn't find spiritually fulfilling, where does our needs and ego begin and end?  Do we need to suck up and accept certain things, or are there certain things that need to change with each individual worshipper?

The Lore is not without bias and problems.  In some of the recon stuff, it has many Christian overtones. Mainly because the Christian monks are the ones that saved it, from themselves.  Much has been lost to history and time.  Context of why the ancients did what can only be speculated on.  Plus the lore is the UPG of the ancients.  I"m sure I"ll get flack for this from someone, but outside of the Pagan 10 commandments being written by the Gods and dropped on some poor priests head, I doubt anyone can argue it is UPG.

Then there is the other point.  If you do what the lore says, you are replaying what others have done.  If you listen to your own UPG, you are forging your own path.  It makes the spirituality more personal to you.

I personally fall more in the line of listen to your own gut and UPG.  The religion is a personal one.  Life changes, so just because something was done once many years ago, doesn't mean it has to be done all the time.  Check in with your Gods.  Get their feedback, because this is a relationship between them and you. Your likes and interests are important as well.

There are limits for me on UPG trumping stuff.  For instance if someone would say that the Morrigan is a pink tutu wearing hippy, who hates guns, and wants peace to reign.  There are clear indications from lore and other people who are affiliated with her that this is patently untrue.  On the other hand, if you she wants you to sacrifice to her a cup of coffee a week, I can't see how that would affect anything other than your personal relationship with her.

To summarize.  I believe that Lore is imp, but personal UPG is more imp to me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Trust 2

Well the reasons for what the Gods said have been made clear to me recently.  It hurts a lot.  And the current lesson plan apparently is all about Trust.  Trust in others and trust in myself.
