Sunday, February 2, 2014

Being Strong

So, because of you is something I'm going through lately. Also Kelly Clarksons what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Her Ms Independent is also eerily accurate. Not a quite unknown road, but one that I wasn't prepared to walk, thought I had learned these lessons. Apparently not... (I should also probably get off of Kelly Clarksons love songs)

The problem though with being strong, is you know how to fight. You know your strengths and weaknesses and how to use them. But you don't know how to live. You don't know how to have patience. You cut people off when a little patience would have gone farther.

Then when you do understand patience, you give a little to much to those you trust. Causing this cycle to start anew.

I can fight. Fighting is easy. I can stand tall. I can leave so easily. Staying is different. Understanding when to stay and be patient and when to walk is a harder game to understand.

It's akin to having scar tissue and cartilage. Sure you are tougher. The downside is you feel less, and you are jaded. How do you get stronger and wiser without feeling less. How do you get close without flinching from every perceived blow.

People talk about being strong. People talk about passion. They don't talk about the dark times and getting through them. They don't talk about the lonely times.

Being strong is great. But be flexible, so you don't become brittle. I'm trying to put more flexibility in my Iron. I need to be more flexible, without being so flexible I can't stand for anything.

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