Friday, October 18, 2013

Monotheism hate in Pagandom

I want to start this out, by saying I find the first amendment SACRED with all capital letters.  From a legal perspective one could say I'm an originalist on this, though I do acknowledge modern innovations.  But I pretty much believe that the first amendment needs to be left alone.  That means free speech and religion.

But things I've noticed over the years that get to me.  The hate from Pagans on Christianity.  It disturbs me.  It leaves me shaking my head.  I get it, many Pagans come from painful back religious experiences, but it's still not healthy to hate an entire religion or religions, and wish for their destruction.

On a more personal level, to hate that religion is to hate the Episcopalian pastors I knew in Mississippi, all three of them.  To hate the religion is to hate that Southern Baptist preacher down the road, that I know.  To hate that religion is to hate Leslye Haller( another Pastor I know that lives down the lane.  To hate the religion is to hate my good friend Misty Watson who I LOVE, capital letters being imp to distinguish from small love.

To me, hating the religion is personal.  You hate people I know and care about.  You insult them, when you rage against monotheists, even the Christian fundamentalist monotheists, because you rage against people I know.  Plus, you are chipping away at the 1st amendment, which I believe to be Sacred and Holey.

Disagree with the monotheistic faiths.  Hell I admit be being deeply uncomfortable with much if not all of Islam.  My feminist beginnings play a major part in that.  But I don't hate the faith.  I have deep and abiding reservations about it.

It isn't particularly useful either.  It isn't going away.  You certainly won't shut up, just make stronger their convictions, those of the Christian political arena, that you wish to shut up.  Which frankly, if you are entitled to your views, so are they.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander type of thought process.

It just leaves me shaking my head.  It leaves me disturbed.  It leaves me wondering, why hardly anyone else realizes that there is a sickness there.  Why is this being continually encouraged in Pagandom?

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