Friday, December 13, 2013

Issues in the greater Pagan religion

I see a lot of hue and furious cry of typing fingers, when Teo Bishop left.  I see a lot of whinging about Pentacles and horror films and think of the Neo Pagan witches.  I don't see a lot of Pagan press about many of the Prison Chaplains that work with Pagans in Prison.  I don't see a lot of news about people who actually do stuff to make the world a better place.  Though there is plenty of halp halp the Christians are persecuting me.


Oh and Lords and Ladies above.  If someone asks for help in the Pagan community for financial issues, or for charity don't expect them to get much help.  But the self same Pagans that can't be arsed to give 5 bucks, sure as hell can spend money for made in china crap, that comes from Azure Green.

That bugs me.  It doesn't say much for our ethics or our priorities.

Why is being a victim a higher priority in the larger Pagan community then giving back to the world?  Why don't we have it in our theology and talk about it more?  Why do we let those who help, do so out of their own pocket?  If you can't afford any to help, you can make a craft and do a raffle to generate the funds. Why aren't we seeing this?

And yes I do help.

I'd list what I do(and I feel I should do more, but balance right now) but this isn't my ego boost, this is the start of the why.

WHY general Pagans, WHY?

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